The phone number is not validYour given or family name is not in an acceptable formatUnable to start the verification on this number - please try again, or use a different numberAn unexpected error occurred while trying to start the verification - please try againThis phone number has been blacklisted by our provider. Please use a different number.This phone number cannot be verified. Please use a different number.Unable to start the verification on this number - please try again, or use a different number.This phone number is already being verified. Please wait up to 5 minutes, or use a different number.The code you have entered is not correct - please check itAn unexpected error occurred while trying to verify the code - please try againThe code could not be verified - please try again, or restart the verificationVerification for this number has expired or has been cancelled - please start againAn unexpected error occurred while trying to cancel the verification - please try againThe verification cannot be cancelled yet. Please wait a couple of minutes and then try again.The verification cannot be cancelled yet. Please wait a couple of minutes and then try again.

Phone validation - please log in

Some FX Blue services cannot be used until you have verified a phone number with us.

To start the verification process, please log in to your FX Blue account.


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